
Paul Hull, LMT

Many years ago, I had an experience as a client of a massage therapist that changed my life dramatically.  I found a new sense of bodily and emotional awareness, and that helped me to make many positive changes for myself. This left me feeling that I wanted to pay forward some of the gifts that were given to me. Not long after, I made the choice to change what started as a hobby and passion into my career. I began the process of setting aside my previous artistic career, which I had been pursuing for almost 15 years, to step into a new world of care for others. As I explored my new path, I found that my history of using my hands to craft and create gave me a particularly honed sense of touch that contributes to my ability to practice massage with an extremely precise skill. My time studying at Cumberland Institute while in pursuit of my license brought me a well rounded and caring education about the biological facts of soft tissue pain and care, as well as expanding my knowledge of the energetics that nourish our bodies and flow through us at all times. I strongly believe that as a massage therapist, it is not my job to "fix" you. Instead, it is my job to support and facilitate your body as it seeks to heal and repair itself.

As a LMT, Reiki Master, CranioSacral Therapist, Accupressurist, and Fascia worker, I have now worked in thousands of therapy sessions. Repeatedly, I see a link between the emotions, the body, and pain. Working with one can yield positive results with the others. Massage that addresses long term difficulties almost always works best as a course of sessions. Because of this, while I will do single sessions, I prefer to set up treatment plans with my clients, so that we can set goals and chart progress in an organized and helpful way.