You can expect your service to be caring, clean, and courteous.

All massages are offered with table, chair, clothed or unclothed options. Anyone receiving unclothed massage will stay appropriately draped at all times. You can see a full list of our massage modifications here.

I give a kind of massage called “integrated massage”. This is simply a reference to combining the massage modalities for a course of treatment that is best for the client. An integrated session may include 4-5 different modalities as a combined treatment plan. While I can give a single modality style massage if it is needed, I find that in almost all cases blending styles provides the best results. You can learn more about the kinds of massage I practice here.

Most of my massages are now outcall. This means I am coming to you. Please have enough space that I can set up the table and move around it comfortably. It needs to be a private space, comfortably free of children, pets, and other distractions.

Please be prepared by being clean and hydrated.

No, you don’t have to shave unless you just want to.

Yes, I will have an assortment of various massage oils to choose from if you wish. If you have a particular preference, you may bring something with you and I will use that. If you choose to do this, please let me know when we are setting up your appointment.