Massage Modalities that I offer:

Massage therapy is a very valuable tool for facilitating healing. I invite you to experience it for yourself. I am always willing to discuss therapies thoroughly with a client before engaging in them. Education about a therapy that one is about to receive can be an important part of receiving it, and I will happily provide more information upon request. Below you can find brief summaries of the techniques I use.

Acupressure is based on ancient Chinese body care, and uses direct pressure to specific “acupressure points” that are along energy meridians that flow throughout the body. This body work focuses on freeing any stagnant or trapped energy and allowing it to flow throughout the body, resulting in relief of discomfort and increasing balance in the system. I am trained specifically in Jin Shin Do.

CranioSacral Massage is a gentle therapy that releases tissues or energy that may be bound up in the soft tissues of the spine and head. This therapy works very specifically with the spinal dura and cerbral spinal fluid, as well as other parts of the central nervous system. This can result in profound adjustment or small shifts, but all results bring a sense of well-being and comfort to the client.

Fascial Massage focuses on the connective tissue that sheathes and suffuses the musculature of the body. I work *with*, not against, the client’s body to relax it and help them return to a position that allows greater freedom of movement and decreased pain. This is an extremely gentle modality that can bring profound change! 

Reiki is energy work only, and can be done with or without touch. It is the most gentle modality that I practice. Like acupressure, this type of energy work is to energetically balance the system. Unlike acupressure, it focuses on the whole energy field instead of meridians. It is also a means of connecting with chakras.

Swedish Massage is one of the most well known modalities, and for good reason. It is a flexible body work technique, focused on relieving muscle tension with direct hand work. It can be practiced gently or firmly, and is good for table, chair, clothed, and unclothed massages.