Massage Modifications that I offer:

Table Massage: This massage is given with the client lying down on a padded table, either face down or face up. The client can be clothed or unclothed, given their preferred comfort levels (see below).

Chair Massage: While the comfort of receiving a massage while lying down is truly a wonderful experience, some may prefer or require something different. Chair massage is one answer to those needs and preferences. In addition, massage chairs are much more portable than the tables. I can bring a chair into many environments above and beyond my usual, including offices, bridal parties, and wide open fields. These massages are clothed-only.

Side Lying Massage: Usually reserved for those who are pregnant or for some other reason find lying face down or face up uncomfortable. The client lies on their side on the table and padding is placed to their preferred comfort.

Clothed Massage: Not all people wish to or are able to receive unclothed massage, including those in business and office situations. Clothed massage may be given either seated or on the massage table.

 Unclothed Massage: This type of massage is administered with the utmost respect. As the client, you are given privacy to dress and undress, and any part of your body not currently being worked on is kept covered at all times. This is the only type of massage I give that employs the use of oils and lotions, though it can be done without them. Unclothed massage is a table modality only.

I use only high quality organic oils and lotions, with no synthetic scents.

Add Ons:

CBD Products are available upon request prior to your appointment.